Friday, July 23, 2010

Dressing for dinner

So what do you think about dressing for dinner? In the past it was common for people to dress up or at least change clothes before sitting down to dinner with family. Each meal was treated like a dinner date with special people.

Now if we come to the table we come dressed are you are. Sweat clothes, dirty clothes and unfortunately very few clothes. You can dream all you want that the person sitting across from you is a beautiful super model draped only in her long flowing hair and bless your heart for trying to believe. We all know you have a better chance of winning the Power ball. In reality if someone is sitting across from you naked they are probably out of shape and hairy to boot. I'm not talking a nicely trimmed beard either, if you know what I mean.

So let's hear your stories about dinner attire. I prefer my dinner date to have rippling muscles barely hidden by a crisp linen shirt. What about the rest of the ladies out there. I can't wait to hear.


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